How Do I Find Selenium Version in Windows

To find the Selenium version in Windows, open the command prompt and type “java -cp selenium-server-standalone.jar org.openqa.selenium.remote.server.SeleniumServer -version”. This will display the current version of Selenium being used.

Selenium is a popular open-source automation testing tool that is widely used to test web applications. It supports various programming languages like Java, Python, C#, and Perl. As Selenium evolves over time, it is important to keep track of the version being used to ensure it is compatible with the testing environment.

This can be easily done in Windows by using the command prompt and typing a specific command. We will go over the steps to find the Selenium version in Windows, so you can make sure you’re using the latest and most compatible version for your testing needs.

Method 1: Check Using Command Prompt

To check the version of Selenium installed on your Windows computer, you can use the command prompt. Firstly, open the command prompt by clicking on the windows icon and typing “Command Prompt” and select it from the results. In the command prompt, type “selenium-server -version” and press enter. This will display the version of Selenium installed on your computer on the next line. If you have multiple versions of Selenium installed, you can type “selenium-server-standalone -version” to specifically check the version of the standalone server.

How Do I Find Selenium Version in Windows


Method 2: Check Using Python Script

By using a Python script, you can easily check the version of Selenium installed on your Windows system. This method involves running a few lines of code in the command prompt, making it a quick and efficient way to retrieve your Selenium version information.

To check the Selenium version using Python script in Windows, follow these steps. Open the Python IDLE and import the Selenium library. Now, to print the Selenium version, use the command `print(selenium.__version__)`. This will display the installed Selenium version in the output console. By checking the version of Selenium installed on your system, you can ensure that your code works with the right version of Selenium. This helps in avoiding any compatibility issues. Use this simple Python script to get the Selenium version in Windows.

Method 3: Check Using Selenium Webdriver

To find the Selenium version in Windows, you can use Selenium Webdriver by launching it on your device. After launching it, you will find the browser version and driver version in use. This is useful if you need to check the compatibility of the versions with the software being used.

Steps to Find Selenium Version in Windows:
1. Launch Selenium Webdriver
2. Find Browser Version
3. Find Driver Version

It is important to keep your software up-to-date to ensure it works efficiently and effectively. Checking the version of Selenium used is one way to ensure its compatibility.

How Do I Find Selenium Version in Windows


Method 4: Check Using Maven Dependency

One method to find the Selenium version in Windows is to check using Maven dependency. This involves navigating to the Selenium project in the pom. xml file and examining the version number. This can be done quickly and easily using the command prompt.

To find the Selenium version in Windows using Maven Dependency, open the pom.xml file in your project directory and search for the Selenium dependency. The version number will be listed next to the Selenium artifact ID. This method is particularly useful if you are using Maven to manage dependencies in your project. Once you locate the Selenium dependency, you can easily check its version number and update it if necessary. Keeping your Selenium version up to date is important to ensure compatibility with the latest browser versions and new features. By regularly updating your Selenium version, you can also take advantage of improvements in performance and bug fixes.
Step Action
1 Open the pom.xml file in your project directory
2 Search for the Selenium dependency
3 Check the version number listed next to the Selenium artifact ID
4 Update the Selenium version if necessary
How Do I Find Selenium Version in Windows


Frequently Asked Questions Of How Do I Find Selenium Version In Windows

How To Check Selenium Version In Windows?

To check Selenium version in Windows, open the command prompt and type “java -jar selenium-server-standalone. jar -version”. This command will display the current Selenium version installed on your system.

What Is The Current Version Of Selenium?

The current version of Selenium is Selenium 4. 0. 0. It was released on December 14, 2020.

What Is The Version Of Selenium Used?

The version of Selenium used varies depending on the specific project and needs of the user. It is recommended to use the latest version to take advantage of newer features and bug fixes.

How To Check Which Version Of Selenium Is Installed In Eclipse?

To check the Selenium version in Eclipse, go to the project’s properties, then select Java Build Path from the left side menu. In the Libraries tab, find the Selenium jar file. Click on it and note the version number in the text area below.


Finally, finding the version of Selenium in Windows is a simple process that requires only a few steps and can greatly benefit the functionality of your automation testing. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can quickly and easily locate your Selenium version number and ensure you have the latest version installed.

Staying up-to-date with the latest available version can help to improve the stability and performance of your automated testing. With this knowledge, you can confidently take your automation testing to the next level.

About Daniel Carver

Daniel is a senior content writer at the Gametechia. He's having 10 years of experience in Technology and troubleshooting topics. Coming from a background of engineering, you will often see his writing stuff related to How To's, Android, and iOS.